
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Checking In

I have been remiss with this blog and I apologize. School and life and whatnot made me forget it even existed, but I'm glad I remembered it because I want to share a very brief story.

One of my friends lent me some YA books because I took a YA Literature course this semester. I've read four of the seven books so far, including the one I finished last night, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I knew that Uglies was the first in a series when I started it, but I had no idea how badly I would want to continue the series when I finished it. But, man oh man, I really want to continue Tally's story. (This is the same way I felt when I finished The Hunger Games in March.) I started writing a Facebook message to my friend this afternoon to ask if she had any of the other books in the series, Pretties, Specials, and Extras, but then I realized that I could look online to see if my local library had it. After all, borrowing it from my local library would be much cheaper and quicker than borrowing it from my friend a thousand miles away. So I looked online and not only were all three books available in the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative, they were all available at the Brandon Library. There was even at least one copy of each book sitting on the shelves! So I hopped in my car and drove to the library :)

I did try to talk myself out of going because I have final papers to write, but I'm glad I was unsuccessful. I now have the continuation of Tally's story sitting on my dining room table, just waiting for me to finish those papers and dive in. That's a pretty strong incentive.

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