
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

I'm facing a conundrum. I can't decide what to read next.

It's the first time I've had this problem all year but it's not for a lack of options. I still have several Christmas presents (and at least one birthday present from last year) in my TBR [to be read] pile. But none of them feel like the right book to read next. There are at least two reasons for that.

The first reason is that I finished John Green's Looking for Alaska last night. It's phenomenal, but it's kind of heavy. I want to read something a little lighter next.

The second reason is pretty much the same as the first one now that I think about it: summer (and my birthday) is fast approaching and I want to read something summery (read: light) to honor my favorite season.

The stuff at the top of my TBR pile doesn't feel particularly summery. I do have a Jennifer Weiner novel, but it's not the Jennifer Weiner book I most want to read. (I will buy the Jennifer Weiner book I most want to read, The Next Best Thing, if I get an Amazon gift card for my birthday. And the odds of that are pretty good.)

If I don't want to read any unread books, then I'm left with books I've read. But that has its own problems. For starters, how do I narrow it down? Although I am leaning towards re-reading a YA series. But, again, which one? I know I just read Veronica Roth's Divergent books and Kiera Cass' Selection books a month ago, but they're both begging to be read again. I should really hold off on the Divergent books until October, though, because that's when Allegiant is coming out. The Selection books are kind of perfect summer books, but I just read them a month ago. I'd all but decided to re-read Scott Westerfeld's Uglies books since it's been six months since I read them, but then a voice in my head just whispered, "Harry Potter." And I definitely have a history of reading Harry Potter books in the summer, but seven books is kind of a big commitment - I would like to get back to my TBR pile at some point this summer.

There is, of course, a third option that I'm not really considering: I could go to the library. I know the library is a veritable treasure trove of books I've never read. But my TBR list is really long and I don't currently feel up to wading through it to find books to check out.

I think I've just come up with the perfect book, actually: The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I haven't read it since I was in college and I loved it. I saw a reference to it on the Internet recently and thought that I should re-read it, but then I forgot (of course). But I just saw it on my bookshelf and it all came back. Yes, I believe I will read The Mists of Avalon.

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