
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Young Adult Fiction

My YA literature course ended six months ago, but I'm still reading a lot of YA fiction. Good stories are good stories and getting hung-up on labels is stupid. However, I realize that lots of people feel that YA books are somehow less because they are marketed to young adults (as discussed in that BBC News clip I linked to last week). If you have yet to embrace the joys of YA fiction, I highly recommend you read Chuck Wendig's blog post: 25 Things You Should Know About Young Adult Fiction (NSFW).

I'd never heard of Wendig before a link to that post showed up on my Twitter feed (don't remember who tweeted it, though), but I've enjoyed the little bit of his blog I've read so far (and not just because the post before the YA one argued for a female Doctor, which would be awesome). I realize that the post is aimed at authors, but he talks about the importance of reading YA fiction if one wishes to write for that audience.

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