
Thursday, February 7, 2013

There's A Wednesday Every Week

And they really sneak up on you sometimes. Like today, for instance, when I realized I needed to write a blog post and I had nothing to write about. I need to do a better job of looking out for potential blog post topics. One would think it wouldn't be that hard considering I only do this once a week. But it appears that it was beyond me this week.

Or it was.

I was watching tonight's episode of The Americans (which I am really enjoying thus far) and Keri Russell's character called Ronald Reagan insane or a madman or something like that. I instantly agreed with her. And then I started wondering how much of that was due to Drift. Admittedly, I've never been a fan of Reagan, but I didn't start thinking of him as crazy until I read Maddow's book. It was interesting to find my opinion of Ronald Reagan (or at least my opinion of his Cold War rhetoric) agree with that of a (fictional) KGB spy.

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