
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Characters Stay With You

A strange thing happens when I watch Phillies Spring Training games this year: at some point during the game I start thinking about Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It's not really that surprising, though, when one considers that the Phillies have an outfielder named Ender Inciarte and I just (some might say "finally") read Ender's Game in February.

This got me thinking about other fictional characters that stayed with me in weird ways. I used to smile whenever I saw the logo on the Sirius satellite radio antenna on my car because it made me think of Sirius Black (my favorite Harry Potter character). Sadly, it doesn't happen anymore because the antenna on my new radio is in a less visible place on my car.

In a lot of ways my new career in librarianship is due to Henry DeTamble, the time traveling librarian in The Time Traveler's Wife. It's not that Henry made me want to be a librarian, but the book made me consider librarianship as a viable career option; it made me realize that librarians have more options than working in a public library or a school.

I'm sure I have others that just aren't coming to me.

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