
Thursday, May 16, 2013

That's New

As predicted last week, I bought Veronica Roth's Insurgent at Barnes & Noble on Thursday. (It's phenomenal; I finished it yesterday. Can't believe I have to wait until October for the next book.) Even though I found the book I was looking for almost immediately after entering the store I decided to browse a bit because I hadn't been in a book store in months. In the end I bought two other YA books that caught my eye (one that was on my TBR [to be read] list and one with an intriguing title).

As I was excitedly pulling my new books out of the bag once I got home I noticed an extra scrap of paper attached to my receipt. I assumed it was an invitation to fill out an online survey or something similar, so imagine my shock at seeing "You may also like" in the heading. My Barnes & Noble receipt was providing reader's advisory service. I don't know how long Barnes & Noble has been doing this, but I think it's kind of neat.

The receipt listed five suggestions based on the three books I purchased and I think it did a fairly good job. Of the five suggestions, one was already on my TBR list, one was the sequel to one of the books I bought, and one had caught my eye while I was browsing. And of those three I'm almost certain that I'll buy Kiera Cass's The Elite soon (unless I decide that I don't like the first book, The Selection, after all, but I doubt that will happen because I read 120 pages today and I didn't really want to stop to write this post). Also, the list was not solely comprised of new releases; some of the books included were available in paperback.

Is this reader's advisory service a shameless ploy by Barnes & Noble to get people to buy more books? Maybe. But I have to support anything that makes it easier for people to find new books they might enjoy.

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