
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

More Links

I'm always looking out for things to share on my blog, particularly for weeks when I'm not inspired to write about something specific. This is one of those weeks.

  • I nearly edited last week's post to include this skit from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, but drunk Ron Weasley singing "Happy Birthday" to Harry Potter is still funny this week.
  • Nick Offerman's summer reading recap from last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live! is also really funny. Do schools really have summer reading lists, though? I don't remember ever having to read books during summer vacation. I did read books during summer vacation because I've always loved reading, but nothing was ever assigned. Also, was my high school the only one that didn't include Of Mice and Men or Lord of the Flies in the English curriculum? I've still never read either of them.
  • Finally, a friend of mine passed along this link to pictures of the abandoned Wal-Mart that is now the largest single-floor public library in America. I would love to visit that library because a) it looks amazing and b) I want to laugh in the face of an abandoned Wal-Mart. (I am not a fan of Wal-Mart.)

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