
Friday, August 30, 2013

An Apology And Penance (In Link Form)

I have been remiss with this blog and I apologize. (I never said it would be a good apology. It is, however, a sincere one.) In my defense, I must tell you that I came home last Wednesday and discovered that my Internet was dead (it turned out that my [physical] cable was cut in two different places). My cable company, like all cable companies, wasn't particularly interested in fixing the problem at a time that was convenient for me (because, really, why should they make sure I'm happy with the one and only service I pay them for?), so it wasn't fixed until Saturday and by then I'd forgotten that I hadn't blogged. And that forgetfulness carried over to this week (apparently I need to do something more than once a week if I wish to make it a habit), but I remembered now.

As for my penance, it's from BuzzFeed. I can always find interesting and/or funny lists at BuzzFeed and that's why I love it.
  • My old roommate shared the link to 17 problems only book lovers will understand on Facebook a while ago and I've been meaning to share it here.(Yes, I know it's from HarperCollins, but they're not trying to sell anything.) And I couldn't agree more with Donnie Darko that a book is a Do Not Disturb sign.
  • Did you know that BuzzFeed now has a section devoted to books? I didn't until Laurie Halse Anderson tweeted a link to it. I apologize for destroying your productivity for the rest of the day :) Of course, it's currently the Friday before Labor Day and no one is ever productive on that day. The rest of my links are some of my personal favorites that are currently on the BuzzFeed Books front page.
  • There's the 13 worst things that can happen while you're reading. (Contributed by another publisher, but they're not trying to sell anything either.)
  • I love all the Belle GIFs in the list of 12 signs you're really into your book. I think I may need to re-watch Beauty and the Beast.
  • How could I not love a list that gives love to one of my favorite YA authors, John Green? Some of the life lessons are better than others, but that's to be expected when the list has 56 items. Would someone please buy me the poster at the end of the post?

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