
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Powering Through

I know, I missed last week entirely. I'm sorry. Let's not dwell on that, though.

I've been reading Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin for the past month and a half and I can't tell you how often I think about abandoning it in favor of re-reading a YA series. That's not to say that it's a bad book; it's not (and it's gotten much better since the Civil War started). It turns out that I much prefer fiction to non-fiction. And my preference for fiction is why I can't read one of the YA series that are calling my name while I'm reading Team of Rivals. I actually tried that in January and Team of Rivals lasted all of eight days. I'd tell myself that I'd read a little of whatever novel I was reading at the time and then 10 or so pages of Team of Rivals, but then I'd get caught up in the novel and by the time I pulled myself away it was too late at night to attempt something as dry as the beginning of Team of Rivals.

Why am I forcing myself to continue reading a book that by my own admission I don't want to be reading? Because I actually do want to read it. I may really want to re-read Harry Potter, but I also want to read Team of Rivals. And I would like to finish it sometime this year so I can give it back to my dad, so I may as well read it now. Harry Potter will keep. So will Uglies, Divergent, The Selection, and The Hunger Games.

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