
Thursday, September 19, 2013


I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see Austenland when it finally hit theaters down here, but my fear was unfounded as I talked my mom into seeing it with me last Friday. (We had to do something to kill the time before my brother and sister-in-law flew down after all.)

I absolutely loved it! In fact, it will be on my Christmas list (assuming it's released on DVD in time for Christmas). Naturally, I tended to focus on things that didn't fit with my memory of the book, but I was much more willing to let them go than I was the first time I watched The Host (which may or may not have been due to the fact that I much prefer the casting of Austenland to that of The Host). Incidentally, I did enjoy The Host much more the second time I watched it, so buying it was a good idea.

As for my mom, she's pretty sure she stayed awake for most of it (which is the best you can expect from her when watching a movie in the theater). She liked it, but probably not as much as I did. That's okay, though, because I don't think she liked the book as much as I did, either.

Speaking of Austenland the book, it has jumped to the top of my TBR list. I still have about 100 pages to read in Team of Rivals, but I had 140 pages to read this morning, so things are looking up :)

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